Hardware cosmetology: types of procedures, advantages of techniques

hardware facial skin rejuvenation

For many people, today’s cosmetology is concerned only with women. However, this view is not entirely correct. Not only the fair sex, but also the stronger sex ready to try to look attractive. In fact, changing well-known proverbs is welcome.

Cosmetics is a complex of hardware designed to help a person, regardless of gender, beauty, youth and maintain an attractive appearance. Many procedures provided by modern beauty salons fall under the definition of the category of hardware cosmetology.

What is the direction of this cosmetology

Later, the possibilities of cosmetology were severely limited. All the patient has to do is the skilful hands of a doctor-cosmetologist, and scarce medicines that do not give a lasting effect, and sometimes even completely useless. Everything changed with the advent of hardware cosmetology.

Not all visitors to beauty salons understand what hardware techniques entail. In fact, everything is simple. This group includes any procedures performed with special devices that have a physiotherapeutic effect. Thanks to their effect on the skin or certain parts of the body, nutrients can be absorbed more efficiently, giving a more lasting and noticeable effect.

Thanks to the use of devices, the skin can be affected not only with the help of drugs, but also physically. Complexity allows:

  • getting rid of skin changes due to age;
  • accelerate regenerative processes for various injuries;
  • stimulate natural biological processes that promote regeneration.
complete the procedure for hardware renewal on the skin

Visitors to beauty salons have heard that traditional preparations used in skin care rarely penetrate deep into the dermis. And, meanwhile, that’s where their influence is most needed. After all, it is the main processes that allow you to maintain the beauty and youth of human skin.

With the help of hardware cosmetology, this problem can be solved. The skin is exposed to micro-components, ultrasound or other physical forces, making it more susceptible to the action of medications.

What effects can be achieved

According to cosmetologists, using hardware techniques, you can achieve different effects. The key is to choose the right method for a particular patient. If the exposure method is selected correctly, it is possible to:

1. Ensure adequate skin regeneration

The human body is constantly undergoing renewal processes. In the skin, for example, elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid are synthesized. It is impossible to preserve youth and attractiveness without these substances. Thanks to the use of devices, their production can be stimulated or the medicine can be delivered to the desired skin layers.

2. Normalize metabolic processes

Due to the impact on the skin of the physical forces, it can be found that too much fluid is withdrawn from the treated areas. Metabolic products, toxins, which have a negative effect on the beauty of the skin, are removed along with excess fluids. In addition, adequate lymph drainage is provided, which helps to clean the surrounding space from harmful substances, toxins and decay products.

3. Provide a physiotherapeutic effect on the body

Physiotherapy is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in the treatment of various skin diseases. It has long been proven that physiotherapeutic effects have a beneficial effect on the body. With its help, the severity of inflammation can be reduced, regeneration can be improved.

4. Normalize the work of neuromuscular tissues

Physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - everyone knows about this. It is beneficial for the whole body when used properly. Improves the blood supply to the muscles, stimulates the transmission of impulses along the nerve fibers.

photo before and after skin rejuvenation with the device

So, for example, plasma facial rejuvenation is a hardware procedure, with the help of which skin rejuvenation can be achieved, color can be improved, and the structure of the envelope is visible to the eye. However, the technique is also used to treat seborrhea, acne, psoriasis, and other skin diseases. The picture is similar to other hardware methods: they are successfully used not only to restore beauty, but also to fight various diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Human hardware rejuvenation has recently become very popular among women and men who care about their appearance. It is only natural that patients are interested in the pros and cons of a method.

Benefits include:

  • duration of effect - the exfoliation processes continue to act on the skin for several months, making it possible to achieve an increase in the effect;
  • a wide range of different treatment options (facial rejuvenation with laser, ultrasonic waves, vacuum, micro-materials), which allows you to select the appropriate technique even in difficult situations;
  • different effects - depending on the selected procedures, different effects can be achieved on the body (removing excess fat, simulating the contours of the body more attractive, improving the general condition of the skin);
  • the ability to stimulate the natural processes of renewal, which slow down with age, is less clear;
  • the ability to perform a number of procedures at home while calling a master with the necessary equipment in the residence;
  • that the least risk of complications is taken into account in case the patient consults a beautician, indications, violations.

Despite the large number of advantages, hardware cosmetology also does not have disadvantages. First, you may not get a lasting, significant result from the first procedure. Often taking a course of anti-aging or other effects is required in order to make changes visible.

Secondly, a lot depends on the skill of the beautician himself. It is necessary to be careful about the choice of master, referring to reliable specialists.

Techniques related to hardware cosmetology

types of procedures in hardware cosmetology for rejuvenation

There are many different types of procedures in hardware cosmetology. Often used:

  • myostimulation - a technique that allows you to get rid of excess fat, correcting the contours of the figure when used properly (based on passing small currents through certain muscles);
  • types of peeling hardware (ultrasonic, laser), which allow you to clean the skin of the structures of dead cells, rejuvenate the dermis;
  • various types of lifting hardware, which allows you to tighten the skin, make it more attractive, restore youth and beauty;
  • laser techniques that allow you to get rid of various skin defects such as scars, scars, as well as help to rejuvenate the skin, improve its appearance;
  • hardware massage allows you to tighten the skin, correct double chin, get rid of small wrinkles, smooth large ones;
  • microcurrent hardware therapy stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, prevents the early formation of wrinkles, helps to smooth the skin, the production of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid.

There are many methods of hardware cosmetology. The best way to influence the body must be chosen with the help of a competent doctor-cosmetologist. The doctor will be able to assess the patient's skin condition or figure and, based on the data, select the most effective treatment option.

The methods of hardware cosmetology are very diverse. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Of course, there will be patients who are satisfied with one method or another, and those who are not satisfied with the results.

It is important to remember that the results of the intervention depend not only on the chosen method, but also on the skill of the cosmetologist, the quality of the apparatus and the medicines used. Choosing the right salon in this case plays a significant role in success!

Before and after photos

before and after hardware skin renewalbefore and after skin rejuvenation with the devicephotos before and after hardware skin renewal

Patient Testimonials

When deciding to go for hardware cosmetology help, patients often read reviews. With the help of reviews, you can understand how effective the selection procedure is, see the photos before and after.

Reviewed by 55-year-old woman

After 50 years, I've noticed that my facial skin has stopped getting attractive. Of course, there were alarm clocks in the past, but then the changes were quite striking! With the help of my daughter, I studied many options for rejuvenation. As a result, I settled on micro-materials. Honestly, after the first session, a miracle of drastic transformations did not occur. But after 10 sessions I saw a clear result! The folds in the area of the nasolabial triangle were significantly made up, the forehead was less wrinkled. Overall, the skin looks much healthier!

Reviewed by 44-year-old woman

After much discussion, I opted for laser fractional rejuvenation. The same age-related changes are evident in the skin, as they say. It was time to do something about it. To be honest, the procedure was not pleasant. If there is a high sensitivity of pain, then it is best to seek anesthesia. Yes, with the recovery quite long, I decided to go to the people in a month! The results after the recovery period were over, however, to my pleasant surprise. Not only were small wrinkles ready for make-up, but large ones as well. And those wrinkles that couldn’t be completely removed were less noticeable!